The High Road to Taos (2022)
The maze of back roads that lead into the highlands around Taos, New Mexico, border reservations and historic villages that date back to the 17th century. They are, in some ways, frozen in time. I spent a large part of my early adulthood in northern New Mexico. It was formative to my way of thinking about wild places and the fragility of landscape. Relics of road signs frame a tableau of a high desert mesa near Chimayo. A raven flies away from a wooden ladder leaning between layers of new and old adobe at the Picuris pueblo. These places cause us to consider material, landscape, and their fleeting nature. The nine image pairs in this series juxtapose a single black and white photograph with an abstract form created with ink made of foraged materials. The arrangements are intended to draw a viewer into contemplation about the materiality of place and memory.